Poblenou Loft: An Aesthetic and Practical Oasis Designed by Isern Serra

Nestled within Barcelona's bustling office district lies a hidden treasure—an unassuming loft located in a 1970s industrial building, now transformed into an oasis of tranquility and art by designer Isern Serra. As soon as you step in, you'll find yourself enveloped in an atmosphere of peace and sophistication, ingeniously blending the feel of a metaverse architecture with Mediterranean warmth.

The Art of Small-Space Sophistication

What makes a small space feel spacious? The answer lies in meticulous planning and attention to detail. Serra's expert touch ensures that every inch is optimized for both aesthetics and functionality. Color accents, carefully curated furniture, and artworks - rooted in Pol's connection with his own pieces and those of his friend - contribute to a vibrant ambiance that's full of life and personality.

Custom Details: Where Art and Function Collide

What elevates this loft from a stylish dwelling to a design marvel is the custom craftsmanship. Custom-made tables effortlessly align with the room’s geometric flow, adding a personalized touch to the interior. Moreover, a uniquely designed partition—with a circular cutout—serves a dual purpose: it aesthetically and functionally separates the living area from the bedroom. Curtain dividers augment this effect, further segmenting the space while enhancing its expansive feel.

Dive into our curated collection of timeless tables on thatcooliving.com to recreate a similar custom-made feeling in your own home.

The Loft as an Oasis: What We Can Learn

Isern Serra's Poblenou Loft stands as a sterling example of how even limited spaces can be metamorphosed into genuine gems. The loft is more than just a beautiful space; it's an inspiring experience that amalgamates art, practicality and a dash of Mediterranean soul. This transformative project illustrates the profound impact of intelligent design and meticulous attention to detail, proving that the ordinary can indeed become extraordinary.

In this hidden corner of Barcelona, Serra has not only carved out a physical space for relaxation and creativity but also crafted an experience that resonates on a deeply emotional level. This loft is not just an artist studio and home; it's a lesson in the art of living well aka. that cool living.


Modest in Form, Rich in Experience: A Conversation with MAP Interior Design Agency


Perfect by nature: Tissu Architecture's 450sqm Design Marvel